Good day and welcome to this simple Online Obituary website.
This is a completely free service, and nobody should be charged anything for using it.
The reason for this service is simply that everything associated with the provision of a funeral service is quite expensive. Vehicles cost upwards of £100,000.00 to any professional company.
Wages for the staff, and there are many, add a huge proportion to our costs, and quite rightly as they are great people deserving a decent wage at the end of the month.
Rent for premises, complying with regulations, energy cost!
But the simple Obituary, does not need to be one of these charges, and decent Funeral Directors up and down the country are trying their best to keep costs down. So, here to help those Funeral Directors is a simple free service. You may of course choose to pay someone else for the same thing if you wish.
Any Funeral Director can add an obituary for you, or you can simply submit your own. There will never be a charge.